Monday, December 7, 2009

What would you like to know?

Hey everyone. I'm doing better physically today-actually made it to the gym for a kick ass workout. I'm worse mentally unfortunately; had to bump up my psychiatrist appointment from next week to this week. I'm having severe anxiety, and I'm having problems related to my new medication-a lot of swelling, and my thyroid levels are all off, which means my hormones are all off. So I will keep you all informed as to what happens (my doctors appointment is on Thursday). But....on a happier note:

I wanted to send out to you; the readers, (and I'm hoping you will respond honestly here), if you could ask a mentally ill person a question, what would it be? What do you want to know? What don't you understand?

Please post a comment (or send one to me on Facebook or my email: if you don't want it to be public). I'd like to explore the "common misconceptions" together!

Hope everyone is well!

 Question Number One I Received :

"What can a girlfriend/boyfriend do for THEMSELVES to stay grounded while trying to deal with the emotional and mental struggles of their significant other?"

  ** Note, I'm working through the questions and answers....hope to have them up by the end of the week!**

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